Hi there, today I am going to review Weleda Lavender Creamy Body Wash. I bought a 200ml tube in Health Matters for €12.00.
This is a body wash to use in the shower & the lavender scent is calming & soothing to the senses. Lavender is traditionally used at night to aid sleep. However I used this product in my morning shower & I found it quite calming especially if I know I have a stressful day ahead.
I decided to try out the wash in the bath so poured some under running water before stepping into the bath. It was not perfect but I was much happier with it than some synthetic bubble baths I have used in the past. I had a lovely relaxing bath & my skin smelled lovely afterwards. I am planning to buy lavender scented bath gel but have to do some research into which brand to go for. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
The smell of lavender is very strong so if you do not like this scent you probably should not buy this product. However I do like the wash & I am also planning to buy it in a different fragrance so I will keep you updated.
Whilst doing a bit of research today on the Weleda website I was delighted to see that this product was a winner in the ‘green beauty bible awards’. These awards seem very credible & one of the judges is the co-founder of ‘Green & Blacks’ chocolates (my favourites). Here is what the ladies have to say about the wash:
Comments: ‘Excellent product – subtle lavender fragrance, not at all old-fashioned, left my skin slightly scented, moisturised, and softer’ • ‘creamy and rich, left a silky feel, not expensive but feels like a top-quality product – perfect’ • ‘like the simple packaging and flip top’ • ‘wonderful and relaxing in the evening; only needed a little bit so lasted for ages’.
I am off now to check out the website for the ‘green beauty bible awards’. Hopefully I will discover some new products to try. Thanks for reading. I will be back again soon with more reviews.
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